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Yucca Root Pizza

Three ingredient pizza crust!

2 yucca roots peeled and cubed

dash of salt

1TBS olive oil


Boil your yucca root with enough water in the pot to cover all of the yucca. Once the yucca is soft like a boiled potato, drain the water. Add salt and oil. Blend until creamy in either in a blender or food processor (or if you have patience and minimal kitchen utensils, repeatedly mash the boiled yucca with a fork). Add any italian seasoning if desired. Finally, form the dough into thin pizza crusts and place in a preheated oven of 400f. I used an outdoor pizza oven to make mine, so I can't tell you how long to cook the crust for. Just make sure you check on it after the initial ten minutes, and when it starts to firm and is no longer doughy, remove from the oven and flip it. Now add on your desired sauce and pizza topping. Place back in the oven for 5-10 minutes or when your pizza toppings look cooked. Remove from the oven, let cool for one to two minutes and ENJOY!

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